Light Color and Color Rendering
True Colors do not exist. People tend to judge colors under what they consider to be natural or true lighting conditions, often mistakenly using daylight for this purpose. but the colors seen under daylight on a Sunny day can be widely different to those seen on a day with overcast sky. For the spectral distribution of daylight is not constant, but is continually changing from hour to hour and from season to season. The correct thing to do, of course , is to assess the colors under the same type of lighting as that existing in the area where they will be finally seen. For example, an evening dress would be chosen under incandescent lighting, for this is the sort of lighting most likely to be employed at the evening function where it will be worn. Similarly, the color scheme for an office should be preferably be chosen under lighting identical to that which will later be installed there. Image Courtesy Philips Spectral Distribution The spectral distribution of the light de...
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